Friday, May 29, 2009

Weigh in # 3

Well today was my third weigh in at the Dr's office. Since January I've lost a total of 15 lbs!!
That's roughly 3 lb/month....not as much as I'd like but still something and to that I say...PRAISE GOD!
Last month on the 27th, I had weigh in #3....the weight is coming off slowly....but anyways.

I finally went to the obgyn a few weeks ago and got put back on the Yaz for my PCOS. Already my acne has cleared up immensely!

In retro spec I am glad that I ended up not having the surgery in March, because I have been able to work through some personal issues with food and my emotions. Granted I do not to great every single day...but 3/4 of the time I do very well.
I'm exercising more ie: walking/playing Wii sports *which I love!*

I'm actually going to invest in EAS Sports for the Wii, it's gotten great reviews!

My blood sugar does fabulously when I do not eat after 8pm and when I eat 5-ish small meals a day. (high protein/high fiber/low starch)

Wow...only 3 more weigh in's, retake the nutrition class and then submit my paperwork to the insurance company!! (squeals!!)

For now I am just going to keep on keepin on!