Friday, August 29, 2008

Getting stuff done

One of my awesome work colleagues 'K', that has had gastric bypass, let me borrow ALL of her books/magazines and even the actual surgery manual for the same doctor I will have!

I found out that I will need a psychological evaluation, in which I have already scheduled today. I will also need to take a nutrition class, which I have also signed up for already.

I am currently working on my letter of understanding/need for the surgery. I think this will be going to the insurance company and the surgeon.

All I will have left to do is:

- have a written letter from my PCP stating my need for the surgery along with the many MANY diets/exercise programs/pills I've tried over the years.

-have an upper G.I. series to make sure my bowels are all happy and good.

-lots of blood work

Aside from all of that, I think I will be okay, unless the surgeon wants to add other tests and what not.

I am so ready to get things going with the surgery. I have never been more sure about anything in my life (aside from my salvation through Jesus Christ).

Anyhow, I'm going to get off of here and do some more research and maybe finish my letter.

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